PRESOURCE #4 - Transnational Workshop on Innovative Financing Instruments for Eco-Innovation in Central Europe

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  Newsletter #4 - {07 July 2014}  

TransnationaL workshop on Innovative Financing Instruments for Eco-Inovation in Central Europe

"An industrial SME internally has identified a profitable investment and is ensuring external financing via a house bank credit" - what used to be a ordinary process has become a rare event nowadays. Against the background of declining public budgets and rising capital requirements e.g. in the course of the Basel III regulations, the 6th Transnational Workshop within the PRESOURCE project was devoted to “Innovative Financing Instruments for Eco-Innovation in Central Europe”.

Successful SMEs tend to finance their investments out of their own cash flow as the collateral for a credit that the bank asks for is often a capital deposit at the same level. But what are the others doing, the ones that need external source of financing?

The workshop took place at the Fraunhofer-Forum in Berlin on Tuesday 3 June 2014.


Crowdfunding, Private Equity and M&T/ESCO could replace credits offered by house banks and provide the answer to the new challenges that many SMEs are facing. But how do they work? The objective of this workshop was to provide new insights into these innovative financing schemes, to assess their potential but also their limitations in financing eco-innovations. Public, private and scientific experts from the financial sector and from the field of resource efficiency promotion in SMEs contributed to and benefitted from the presentations and inter-active working sessions of the event.

Introduction Presentation

-> Presentation from Dr Robin Bürger, Fraunhofer, Germany

-> Agenda

The following innovative financing instruments were presented and discussed at the workshop:

  • Crowdinvesting  as part of Crowdfunding
  • Private Equity
  • Energy Performance Contracing provided by an ESCO

main-menu-bulet-bluePRESENTATIONs ON innovative Financing Instruments

1) 1000x1000 Crowdbusiness GmbH, Graz, Austria (Dr. Reinhard Willfort) ->

2) Bayerische Beteiligungsgesellschaft BAYBG, Munich. Germany (Dr. Barbara Karch) ->

3) ESCO, Czech Republic (Vladimir Dobes, Enviros) ->



main-menu-bulet-redEco-innovation Round-Tables

After the presentations an interactive session “Eco-Innovation Round Tables” was held, where stakeholders with different backgrounds could comment on, ask about and discuss the innovative financing schemes and its relevance for the promotion of eco-innovation in SME.



main-menu-bulet-greenThe next Transnational Workshop on Innovative Financing Instruments takes place in Vienna

The next transnational workshop on Innovative Financing Instruments for Eco-Innovations in Central Europe will take place 9 October 2014 in Vienna, Austria.  
 central europe transp eutransparen 
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