PRESOURCE Newsletter #2 - Transnational Workshop on Promotion of Energy Efficiency in SME - Tools and Experiences

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  Newsletter #2 16 September 2024  

The first transnational PRESOURCE workshop on tools and experiences took place at the Technology and Science Park in Berlin-Adlershof, Germany on 8 April 2014.

Issues discussed include:

  • Tools: PRESOURCE EDIT Value Tool; No cure, no pay; CPI2; TESPI; PREMA
  • Hands-on experience: Effective tracks to SMEs for more efficiency
  • Promotion of RE in Poland
  • Experiences from the Environmental Innovation Programme
  • Ökoprofit in Vorarlberg, Austria

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main-menu-bulet-bluePREsentations on tools & Experiences

1) EDIT Value tool (Eco-Innovation Diagnosis and Implementation Tool for Increase of Enterprise Value)

The EDIT Value tool focuses on the most effective opportunities for improving resource efficiency and the overall sustainability performance of SMEs. The presentation will give a short overview of the tool developed during the PRESOURCE project.

-> Presentation from Pavel Růžička, Enviros, Czech Republic

2) No cure, no pay - a new tool for promotion of energy management & cleaner production

This talk discussed a new tool that is thought to enable enterprises to test the introduction of cleaner production projects with no technical or financial risks or for the need of financing.

-> Presentation from Vladimir Dobeš, Enviros, Czech Republic

3) TESPI - Tool for Environmentally Sound Product Innovation

This presentation introduced TESPI, an on-line tool supporting environmentally conscious product design (eco-design), taking into account the product life cycle, the customers’ needs and the competitors’ products. During the presentation, eco-design will be briefly introduced and an overview of the main features of the tool will be presented.

-> Presentation from Sara Cortesi, ENEA, Italy

4) CPI2 tool

The Carbon Performance Improvement Initiative (CPI2) has created an online tool to reduce carbon emissions in factories. The tool focuses primarily on energy-efficiency measures as a contribution to climate protection in global supply chains.

-> Presentation from Christian Dietrich, Systain, Germany

5) Presentation of tools to support SMEs in improving their resource efficiency through Profitable Resource Efficient Management (PREMA).

The presentation consisted of an overview on tools, best practices and lessons learnt with regards to PREMA.

-> Presentation from Johanna Klein, PREMAnet, Germany

6) Hands-on experience: Effective tracks to SMEs for more efficiency

UPW is a team of engineers that consult SMEs to identify potentials for resource efficiency and innovation management among others in the frame of the “go efficient” support scheme of the German Agency for Material Efficiency (demea). Experiences from daily practice and channels to reach SMEs are presented and discussed.

-> Presentation from Wolfgang Wrobel, Ingenieurbüro UPW GbR, Germany

7) Promotion of resource efficiency through projects and marketing communication in SMEs in Poland

Presentation on Business management projects and tools used in Poland and their potential for resource efficiency management.

-> Presentation from Beata Gotwald, Pro-Akademia, Poland



8) 30 years experiences from the Environmental Innovation Programme

The Environmental Innovation Programme is one of the oldest and most successful supporting programmes for SME in Germany. It is focused on innovative techniques of different branches and applications, which will contribute to a reduction of environmental pollution. Additional to the demand-driven part of the supporting programme, different focal points of support have been established like green IT, energy efficient waste water treatment or material efficiency in the industrial production.

-> Presentation from Heidrun Moser, UBA, Germany

9) The success story of Ökoprofit in Vorarlberg, Austria

This presentation will give a short overview of the elements of Ökoprofit and discusses why its implementation in Vorarlberg achieved such a success.

-> Presentation from Stefan Birkel, Eco-Brain, Austria


-> Agenda
 central europe transp eutransparen 
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