Fraunhofer MOEZ - DE
Fraunhofer MOEZ is active in applied research in the fields of internationalization, knowledge transfer, intellectual property and sustainable development. The institute’s researchers have expertise in economics, social science and political science. Based on its international and interdisciplinary experiences, Fraunhofer MOEZ develops solutions for customers from the public and the private sector, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.
Fraunhofer MOEZ was involved in two EU funded projects related to resource efficiency promotion in Central Europe (Funding: CENTRAL EUROPE Programme 2007 - 2013). The project Act Clean aimed at introducing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to the economic and social advantages of the increased use of environmentally friendly production processes (cleaner production). The project COACH BioEnergy aimed at expanding consulting services for planning and preparing bioenergy-related investments. One of the main results was an analysis of legal regulations and funding programmes for the energetic use of biomass.
CONTACT: Dr. Robin Bürger & Annamaria Riemer
EMAIL: robin.buerger(at)moez.fraunhofer.de
PHONE: + 49 (0) 341 231039 – 136
WEBSITE: www.moez.fraunhofer.de