Europe 2020 Strategy
Resource Efficiency is one of the 7 Flagship Initiatives of the Europe 2020 Strategy. It is complemented by a EU Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, which provides the strategic framework for future action and calls for an integrated approach across many policy areas at European, transnational and national levels. This constitutes a challenge for the CE countries as so far information on resource efficiency is very scattered.
PRESOURCE establishes a Competence Platform to provide policy makers and other stakeholders with data, information and good practice examples on resource efficiency in Central Europe. It initiates a policy and stakeholder dialogue to foster a transnational integrated approach to resource efficiency.
Dialogue on good practices and future policy action
The first PRESOURCE transnational stakeholder workshop took place on 13 September 2013 in Budapest. The workshop facilitated discussion on policy actions in the field of resource efficiency, based on the analysis of current practices, financial mechanisms and institutional support. The Budapest workshop looked at the situation of resource efficiency and existing practices promoting RE in the project countries. It brought together policy experts and corporate environmental professionals from the six participating countries as well as representatives of the corporate sphere.